Jeffrey S. Gennusa II
February 18, 1993 - April 19, 2018
Jeffrey S. Gennusa II, age 25, of Bear, DE, passed away unexpectedly on Wednesday, April 19, 2018.
Born in Newark, DE on February 18, 1993, he was a son of Jeffrey S. Gennusa, Sr. (Jodi) of Bear and Diana E. (Steele) Delpiano (Frank) of Newark. He had previously been an automobile mechanic and had a passion for modifying, fixing and working on cars.
Jeffrey loved to be with his family and was extremely close with his grandparents, MeMom and Poppy. He enjoyed amusement parks, car shows, family vacations, bowling and music concerts, especially heavy metal and rap. He will always be remembered as a loving son, brother, grandson, nephew and dear friend to many.
In addition to his parents and step parents, Jeffrey is survived by his siblings, Delaney Gennusa of Bear, Frank Delpiano of Newark, Logan Gennusa of Bear and Joey Delpiano of Newark; maternal grandparents, Claudia C. Steele of Wilmington and Thomas J. Steele III of Newark; paternal grandparents, Vincent and Sandra Gennusa of Townsend; great grandmothers, Shirley Crouch and Jane Steele; step-grandmother, Marilyn LeVan of Bear; as well as aunts, uncles and cousins.
A visitation for family and friends will be held from 9 am until 11 am on Tuesday, April 24, 2018 at Spicer-Mullikin Funeral Home, 1000 North DuPont Parkway, New Castle, DE, where a funeral service will begin at 11 am. Interment will follow in Gracelawn Memorial Park, 2220 North DuPont Parkway, New Castle, DE.
In lieu of flowers, donations may be made in Jeffrey’s name to Sojourners’ Place, 2901 Governor Printz Blvd, Wilmington, DE 19802.
Thomas Steele
Jeffrey was a kind, gentle soul, an introspective, intelligent young man, and my grandson. His life ended far too early, before he could realize his true potential. I am so sad to have lost him, but blessed to have known him. Rest easy Jeffrey; you’ll be fondly remembered always. ….Tom
Charlie perakis
I love u bro…..ill never forget you…..ill see u on the other side✌✌❤❤
Jeff Gennusa
To my son,
I’ve always tried to give you what you needed in life. I’ve given you the advice for everything i thought would help guide you. Though i knew you made mistakes and bad choices at times, i always loved you and I’ve always been proud of who you grew to be.
I loved your sense of humor, the sarcasm, and the genius comebacks. You had become one of my best friends. While i always was there to offer any advice (as your father), i also enjoyed just spending time with you (as a friend), playing games or listening to music. I proudly told people how happy i was that i could have a son who was also a friend. I’m going to miss that so much.
Jeffrey, you were my everything! Words cannot express my sorrow at losing you. You were our first grandchild and we couldn’t contain our happiness with you. You made our hearts fuller and bigger for when the rest of our grandchildren, your cousins, came to fit right in there with you. Poppy and I have to learn how to live without you now. Always stay near. Rest in peace.
Michelle Staffone
My dear nephew, I just cannot truly grasp that i won’t be seeing you face to face. I have many fond memories of you. Babysitting and vacations, birthdays and family get togethers. I can tell some stories but, well I don’t want to embarrass you. I want to believe that it was not your true intention to leave us so suddenly, that it was a huge mistake. We all make those, and while i am angry at you for this one in particular, I will always love you and remember all the good memories you contributed to our family. Aunt Chell ❤
Vincent gennusa (poppy)
I will love you forever. You are the best. I’ll miss you very much. You left us way to soon.
Destiny Shaw
Rest easy friend. Life just isn’t fair.
Diana & Frank Delpiano
To my loving son,.
Words cannot express the pain and emptiness that I feel. All of my feelings and emotions making my head spin- it’s hard to focus on everyday life, but I know I have to. For the past few days, I feel like I’m in a fog and I think about you every second. I love you with my whole heart and soul and I know that you’ll always be with us. We love you Jeffrey, RIP.
Jodi Gennusa
Jeffrey Gennusa II,
Feeling completey broken. As the world around us goes on and we are faced with doing what needs to be done to care for you in theses final days the reality of it all is setting in and we are falling apart inside. Losing you is too great a loss, and will forever change us. You were not my biological child, you didn’t grow in my stomach like your siblings you grew in my heart. To you I was the evil stepmom, who rode your ass, nagged you and tried to push you in the direction of reaching your goals and to be the best you, you could be. I once told you that it is the people in your life that are the hardest on you that truly love you the most, because it would be so much eaiser just not to care at all. I think you knew just what I was saying. I wish we could have saved you from taking this path. A path that I know you wanted so badly to get off. A path that while we knew could bring us to this day, we never truly believed would come. We had hope that you’d beat this demon and that you’d lead a great life full of all of your hopes and dreams. You were always so smart, funny, kind, and yes stubborn too. You had the makings of something great but something stronger had ahold of you. Your physical time with us on earth is over but you will never leave our hearts. We will carry on your memory and never let you go. We will share your story so that it may save another. We will love you forever!
Jodi Gennusa
All who knew Jeffrey knew his love of cars. From a very young age he could tell you the make, model and year of a car driving down the road. As a child his favorite thing to do was play with his matchbox cars. In an effort to pay tribute to Jeffreys life and bring positivity to such a tragic loss we have purchased $100 worth of match box cars that we will donate in Jeffrey’s name to AI DuPont Children’s Hospital. While we know our donation will make a difference to theses kids, we know it can do even more with your help. We will have a container at the funeral home that you can place newly purchased matchbox cars in honor of Jeffrey’s cars for kids.
Diane Sloane
My deepest sympathies, prayers, and hugs to Jeffrey’s family. I’m so very sorry for your loss
Chris Davis
My best friend man I lovev u bro we had big plains man like I dont even no how to say good bye homie im going to miss u bro all the good times we had together u coming to pick me up all the way in dover when that girl left me down there u always had my back bro u was the best friend I have ever had we was post to do my system in my car and all dude I cant believe this is true please look over me bro I love u
Helen Olsen Ronan
Frankie so sorry for your loss , I will keep you in my Prayers. Mrs. Ronan
Amanda Tucker
Jeffery… my best friend. I’m going to miss you more than words can describe. My heart is so immensely broken and I can’t even begin to explain the pain I’m feeling losing you.
We were literally together just over last weekend and everything was great, you were doing so well! And I spoke to you not even 24 hours before this happened… I just can’t believe this happened. Jeffery I love you so much and I hope you’re with Tommy now! Make sure you tell him hi for me.
I will truly miss you more than you could ever imagine. One day I’ll be with you again but until then I’ll be living for you and tommy I love you Jeffery. I hope you’re at peace.
Robyn Beck-Gott
You are forever in our hearts and will be dearly missed.
Kathy Jones
My deepest sympathy to Jeffrey’s family. My thoughts and prayers go out to all of you. I met Jeffrey and would see him whenever I visited with his grandparents . What’s kind and well mannered young man he was. Rest In Peace Jeffrey, I know you will be greatly missed by all.
Angelyn Robinson
When I came to Sojourners Place last summer and needed help to move my belongings from one storage unit to another unit Jeff volunteered. We didn’t even know each other. I only had a few hours notice. Jeff and I took the bus to the storage place. We moved all of my things from one unit to another by foot. It was a very hot day and it took almost 3 hours to finish. I will never forget how kind and patient Jeff was. I will miss him dearly.
Angelyn Robinson
He was a wonderful young man and he loved his family. He always spoke highly of you. My heart is very sad for your loss. Just know that Jeff was proud of all you continued to do for him. He really tried his hardest to make you proud of him.
Carol McBride
Jeff we had a special bond. I will miss you. May God be with your family and you always
Joshua waskey
Jeff, it’s unbelievable that you are gone. I remember having auto tech with you in highschool, you were such a blast to hang out with in class and outside of school. You actually taught me alot of stuff about cars that i wouldnt know today if i hadnt met you. I know the people up there can trust you to work on the cars. Fly high brother and rest in peace. Who knows one day well be tinkering on cars together again. As to the family my condolences and i am very sorry for your loss
William Bennett
Was my pleasure to know ya Jeff cut down in the prim of life. Nobody knows why some of us addicts and alcoholics makes it while others must duty to save others will miss ya Jeff rest in peace
Claudia C. Steele
Dear Grandson, my first Grandchild, I have been trying to find the right words to express the sadness and grief I feel, Jeffrey, but words aren’t enough. The pain and broken-heartedness are
unexplainable. I’ve loved you since I first laid eyes on you when you were born at Christiana hospital. You have been an important part of our family and our world ever since. The world will never be the same without you. You are so intelligent, handsome, quick-witted and a gentle soul. I miss you so much and I have all our special times locked in my heart. Rest in peace Grandson and we’ll see each other again. It’s not good-bye but see you later. Love you forever, Grandmom.
John 3:16 NIV “For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in Him shall not perish but have everlasting life.”
John Martin
Jeff had a mind like nobody else talking to him sometimes I would be surprised at how intelligent he was because he didn’t always show it he loved tinkering on his bike and I think that was when he was happiest when his hands were greasy and he was trying to figure out how to make things work I’m going to miss him a lot I know his family is and I just want to keep them in my prayers for as long as possible
John Martin
He loved you both so much. He was so grateful to have you on his side he used to say he didn’t know what he’d do or where he would be without you. I know God forgives us for our sins. He can read our hearts and I know Jeff is at peace now watching over you as you both watched over him all these years.
Michelle c Johnson
Jeff was such a kind-hearted person who loved his family and spoke of them often. A lot of people here like to ride bikes but his bike was different. I said Jeff what is that on your bike, he said he motorized it. I learned how good he was with his hands and really seemed to enjoy it. We will really miss him.
Thomas J Steele. IV
Jeffrey, my nephew. I’m so sad to lose you. The memories of you growing up. Living with you at Claudia’s house. The family events. I still don’t want to believe you are gone. It’s so sad, you are so young. It’s going to be difficult without you.
Mrs Bea
Jeff you are missed greatly and I am blessed to have known you, thank you again for helping out in the kitchen and the good laughs we shared, you were a nice guy. R.I.P. Jeff And to the family, may God Comfort and Keep your hearts in this hour of need and give you strength to carry on. Praying for you all. Mrs Bea
Vincent gennusa (poppy)
Grandson, look at all the wonderful people who came to honor you. We all will miss you truly. You have always been a godsend person to us. Be good in heaven. Love ya poppy
Star Price
Jeff, you are and will continuously be missed by us all. My heartfelt condolences to your family during this difficult time.
Alicia steele
I still can Believe that you die so young is for shure that we are going to miss you this not a good bye eventually we will see you again love aunt alicia
Vincent gennusa (poppy)
He touched the lives of everyone. He was funny, serious, dedicated, and easy going. He would get mad at you, but he never stayed mad at you for very long. Within a few minutes, he was happy again. He would do a lot of things for everyone, all you had to do was ask.
What I noticed a lot about Jeffrey, is the fact that no matter what, he loved to sleep. He also loved to work on mechanical items. He also loved to be with the family. He was very happy to be with the family at our Christmas family gatherings, breakfast, dinner, and Thanksgiving dinners. He also loved to eat out at Dover downs for their crab nights. He did a lot of family socialing.
When this is all over, everyone will go home and think about how horrible this tragedy was, and then forget about it, but, the immediate family will never forget, because when a Christmas dinner, birthday, Thanksgiving, Fourth of July celebration comes up, Jeffrey will not be there. He was a blessing to us all.
It is a shame that the monkey was on his back, but now he is free and at peace. God bless.
Thank you all for coming to pay your last respects to Jeffrey Gennusa II
Joy Trotter
Dear friends and family of Jeffrey,
I am so sorry for your loss. Soon we will not have to endure the pain that results from losing someone we love. Revelation 21:4 gives us the loving assurance that death and pain will be done away with forever. Until that time please take comfort from knowing that God promises to comfort those who are crushed and brokenhearted. (Psalm 34:18)
Vincent gennusa (poppy)
It’s been a month since you left us. I’m still am not ok. I am heart broken that I can physically not talk to you. I miss you so much. You still can not imagine how much you were in my life. To be gone, but never will you be forgotten. Love you. Poppy
Vincent gennusa (poppy)
It’s been 3 months. I still miss you. Marilyn made pillows for us out of some of your shirts. I picked your shirt, Back to the Futere. I miss going to sojourners place to pick you up. I miss you coming to stay overnight.. We will talk again. Love you and miss you.
Delaney Gennusa
Jeffrey was my big brother, I loved spending time with him. It’s been a few months but I still think of him. He is so special to me in every way possible. It broke my heart letting him go. Mommom made some pillows from his shirts and mine is sitting above my bed every day. I love and miss you everyday Jeffrey!