Rev. Robert John McConnell
January 9, 1946 - January 10, 2024
Rev. Robert John McConnell, age 78, of Newark, DE, passed away at his home on the morning of Wednesday, January 10, 2024, of pancreatic cancer. By his personal request, no one was notified of his illness.
Born in Chicago, IL on January 9, 1946, he was a son of the late William and Effie (Lawrence) McConnell. Robert was baptized in 1947 and confirmed in 1960. He served in the U.S. Air Force (1964 – 1968) reaching the rank of Sgt. Robert was a graduate of Concordia Jr. College (A.A. Cum Laude, 1970), Milwaukee, Wisconsin as well as Wisconsin State University, Stevens Point, Wisconsin. (B.S., 1972). He also graduated from Concordia Seminary-in-Exile (M.Div. 1976), Saint Louis, Missouri. Robert’s pastoral internship was completed at Immanual Lutheran Church, LC-MS (Lutheran Church- Missouri Synod), Houston, Texas. He completed his CPE (Clinical Pastoral Education) training at Iowa Methodist Hospital, Des Moines, Iowa, and at Memorial Hospital, S,W., Houston, Texas. Robert was ordained by the Association of Evangelical Lutheran Churches on June 4, 1978.
Pastor McConnell’s first call was to New Life Ev. Lutheran Church—a mission congregation of the Association of Evangelical Lutheran Churches—Houston, Texas. He was on EAD (Extended Active Duty) as a U.S. Army Chaplain (1979 – 1984), serving at Fort Riley, Kansas, and in West Germany. Chaplain McConnell then served as a Protestant Staff Chaplain at the Coatesville V.A. Medical Center, Coatesville, Pennsylvania, until he was placed on disability retirement.
Chaplain McConnell was a retired U.S. Army Reserve Chaplain, a retired Clinical Member of ACPE (Association for Clinical Pastoral Education), a paid-up Life Member of DAV (Disabled American Veterans), a member of the American Legion, and a member of ROA (Reserve Officers Association). He was a member of St. Paul’s Ev. Lutheran Church, Newark, Delaware.
Robert loved his wife Susan, daughter Ruth Ann, and grand-son Sebastian. He also loved music, traveling, and attending University of Delaware home basketball games.
Fond words were regularly spoken of the Wisconsin family, both McConnell (blood) and Roth (foster). Robert is survived by one older brother, Russell, residing in Marshfield, Wisconsin with his wife, Donna. Following the loss of both parents, “Mac” was taken in by the Roths, whose home forever enriched his life by their support and love during his challenging adolescent years.
A lifetime of financial support went to Military History Museums, Food Banks, Christian Charities overseas, Wildlife Preservation Societies, Veteran Associations, and Child Sponsorships in the Philippines.
Robert can be remembered as a proud Minister, American, and Veteran. His ashes are entombed at the Delaware Veterans Memorial Cemetery in Bear, DE in Section 002, Field 2XIII, Row B, Site #14.