Monica Y. Dahl - Spicer-Mullikin Funeral Homes & Crematory

Monica Y. Dahl

January 24, 1932 - January 11, 2025

Celebrating the life of our dearly beloved, Monica Y. Dahl (January 24, 1932 – January 11, 2025) on Friday, January 24, 2025 at Spicer-Mullikin Funeral Home, 275 East Main Street, Middletown, DE, 19709. A viewing will be held from 3 pm until 4 pm, where a funeral service will follow at 4 pm.

Any family members or friends who are unable to attend the Celebration of Life for Monica can live stream the service by clicking here.

A Remembrance for Monica Yvonne Dahl, written by Allan Ridgeway

Monica Yvonne Dahl

01/24/1932 – 01/11/2025

Good afternoon, friends. Let me on behalf of the family express sincere appreciation to you all for coming to share in this Thanksgiving Service to celebrate the life of a wonderful mother, grandmother, great-grandmother, aunt and friend to many.

Monica Yvonne Dahl was born on January 24, 1932 in Franklin Town, Kingston. She was the last of 9 children born to James and Iva Dahl. Her parents along with her siblings all predeceased her.

She attended the Port Royal Elementary School where she completed the prescribed course of study. The union between her life-long partner Ildebert and herself produced 12 children; lldebert (Junior), Rona, Patrick, Ishmael, Rose, Eric (Eric predeceased her 4 years ago), Joanne, Alton, Sherraine, Wayne, Mechelle and Gavin.

After leaving school she gained employment with Gem’s Fabric Store which would be her first and last job as she decided from early to be a stay-at-home mother, dedicating her entire life to the care, nurture and raising of all her children. We can all attest to the gallant, exceptional and extraordinary way she achieved this selfless and committed passion. This is evidenced in the lives of the 12 children. Individually and collectively, they are a testament to the strong values and decency she conveyed in parenting.

I tasked myself to seek from her children the qualities of their mother that stood out for them and which impacted their own lives in a positive way. They were all in one accord in stating they were blessed with an awesome, beautiful, selfless, devoted and God-fearing mother. Alton informed me that during a conversation with her he asked her what was her favourite scripture. She replied Psalm 91 and recited it to him word for word. Patrick remembers her love for the beautiful sceneries in the Baltimore Harbor where he would take her and Aunt Merceline while they were visiting. They remember a mother who would always encourage them to say their prayers and teach them bedtime songs while lying with them. They all agreed that she had a “sweet tooth” and always fancied a cheesecake. Even after her children left the home to pursue their own ambitions she would always keep in touch and was always asking them as Rona reminded me “when are you coming to look for me”. Monca loved flowers and nothing would cheer and give her more delight than receiving a gift of beautiful flowers.

She was a word search game addict and when you saw her on video chat, she would always be seen playing her game which became her lasting companion. If word search was included in the Olympics, it would not surprise me that she would be the champion. All who knew her can attest to her qualities as a loving, kind-hearted, shy, unassuming and gracious lady.

After a cancer diagnosis in 2008 Monca migrated to Delaware, U.S.A. where she resided with her youngest daughter, Mechelle. She received the prescribed surgical and radiation treatment which was a success and remained in remission for the duration of her life. Although there were several related setbacks and surgical procedures that followed, she relied solely on her faith and trust in God. Monca was a praying mother who would read her Bible daily sometimes into pre-dawn and prayed continuously for her 12 children and her grandchildren. She enjoyed singing every hymn from her personal hymnal and listening to the Gathers vocal band particularly “The Holy Hills” by John and Vesta Goodnan. Monca looked forward to visits, prayers and communion from her dearly beloved pastor, Lee Kumani. Monca was a true believer in life after death and that she was certain that she would see her Saviour face to face.

In her younger days, she was nicknamed “The Queen of Sheba” hence her beauty. When asked if she could swim, her proud response was “like a sea dog “and always made it clear that she was born in Franklin Town, Kingston. Back in the Bronx of 1998, Monca enjoyed the company of her favorite sibling, Aunt Merciyn who visited for a few weeks, totally enjoying each other’s company. In years to come, Monca enjoyed several weeks of bliss with her only surviving beloved sister, Iva. When she visited Delaware back in 2018; they both endured Physical Therapy and doctors’ visits together, sat out on the patio and went wild reminiscent of lifelong memories with hopes of making future ones. While back home in Porty, she enjoyed several day trips to the country with her sister, Iva and friends.

Her badge of honor were her 12 children. Her unofficial adopted children are namely Patsy Chung and Edgerton Brown. Monca had a true passion for underprivileged children and took great pride in her contributions especially at Christmas time to the organizations closest to heart.

Monca eventually adjusted to making life in Delaware work for her although she passionately missed 44 Florizel Ave with every ounce of her being. A huge part of mother’s legacy is a wealth of common sense, life wisdom/lessons which she encouraged and is reflected in her own life’s journey.

A fond memory for Dauntly of Monka (a first cousin) is one of sacrifice and kindness, in that, she, her siblings and friends would oftentimes visit her home and regardless of having to feed her own twelve children, there was always a place at the dinner table for each of them. This kindness Dauntly states, remains a long lasting impression of Monka she’ll never forget.

June Clay (Monca’s cousin) reminds us of the remarkable bond she had with her sisters, Connie, Merceline, Roslyn, Iva, neighbour’s and family members and her devotion to her father, Wilford Clay, Monca’s cousin when he was ill, being present to support his wife and him. She remembers her physical beauty with her presence showing such dignity, calmness and love.

Speaking as one of her sons-in-law of which she loved all of us, the last week has been a time when I am reflecting on the loss of my mother-in-law, and therefore it seems only fit and right that I share these few moments in tribute to this loving, caring and very special lady. My mother-in-law was in her 93rd year and although she had some challenges with her health in the last year it is still unexpected that she has now passed. I have known her all my life and there are several memories of her warm welcome, kindness, passion, love and family values which had been captured in my memory and my heart. As her son-in-law, Monca welcomed me as I am sure she did with her other sons-in-law and I grew increasingly fond of her and she will always occupy a special place in my heart. While we are getting used to saying goodbye, we know how lucky and honored we are to have known her and have her in our lives.

We will cherish the great memories, appreciate the support, love, kindness she gave us. We will always miss and love her. A poem on behalf of her children.

“There’s so much to say, many memories to share

About a wonderful mother who did nothing but care.

Not just for us but all those she knew.

Her genuine kindness would always shine through.

Monca was not always happy; it’s true to say.

Hard work and worries often got in the way.

The suffering in the world she always kept in sight,

Wishing she could do something to put everything right.

Sacrificed things for herself so she could give to others.

This is what made the best of all mothers.

She was proud of her family, always gave us the best.

She has earned and deserves her place of rest.

To know she’ll join her loved ones, reunite with her dad,

Will give us the strength not to be sad.

We must cherish the thought that even in our own grief

The suffering has gone; in its place she’s found peace.

She’s no longer trapped in a world with no past.

The memories she gave us will always last.

We’ll remember a special lady who had so much to give,

And she will stay in our hearts as long as we live.”

May her strong but gentle soul rest in eternal peace and may eternal light perpetually shine upon her. Rest in peace Monca.

Funeral Announcement

A funeral service for the late Monica Yvonne Dahl will be held on Friday, January 31, 2025, at St. Peter’s Anglican Church, Port Royal, at 3 pm. Interment will follow in Port Royal Cemetery.


Leave your condolences

Condolences will be posted within 24 hours pending approval.

32 Condolences for Monica Y. Dahl

  • Sincere, prayerful condolences to the Prawl families and other grieving loved ones at this very difficult time of bereavement.

    Aaah! My “Miss Manca”!…
    The glory is all God’s for having created and sustained her long, beautiful life….
    The privilege was all mine for having known her and associated with her….
    “You leaving me?!” was often a fond query followed by her precious smile and teasing quip:
    “No bother pop me you know!”
    But now, in God’s divine loving order, she has left us.
    She – to rest in her grave, until….
    We – to take advantage of our extended probationary time and make our calling and election sure, until….
    This earth shall pass away,
    Soon comes Resurrection Day;
    Good morning to His friends that said, “Good-bye!” we’ll say
    When we see Jesus coming in the sky!
    Those pearly gates will open,
    And we know not if morning, night, or noon!
    Our vows to Him His grace will have kept unbroken;
    And this we know – for sure:
    He’s coming SOON!

    Revelation 21:4
    And God shall wipe away all tears from their eyes; and there shall be no more death, neither sorrow, nor crying, neither shall there be any more pain: for the former things are passed away.

    Until then, God’s comfort, healing, peace, and other rich blessings….

  • My deepest condolences goes out to all family members of Aunt Monica. She was such a sweet and dear person, and loved by all. Aunt Monica, you may be gone from this life, but will live on in our hearts forever. Take your rest. 🙏🏽🙏🏽🕊️🕊️

  • Beloved Matriarch Monica,
    May your entire soul rest in eternal peace🙏🏽😔💜

  • My sincere condolences to the family and friends aunt Monica the sweetest and caring woman spent my childhood time with her and children i could go on and on love and respect you R.I.P. with the angels 🕯️🕊️🙏🏿❤️💐🥲


    Soon we’ll hear the angels song!
    Soon Christ’s trumpet sound shall ring!
    He’ll brush away those tears from every eye –
    When we see Jesus coming in the sky!

  • My condolences to the family and friends of my dear friend aunt Monica may your beautiful soul rest in Eternal peace will always be remembered 🙏 💜

  • 👏My deepest condolences to her family may her soul R.I.P…🙏

  • Condolences to the family of aunt Monica.
    She was a modest and beautiful woman. Very quiet.
    Rest now in the arms of your Lord and Savior.🙏🏽🙏🏽

  • Rest in peace, Manca💕💕
    My deepest condolences family you’re in my prayers 💕🙏

  • Patrick and Paulete, so sorry for the loss of your mother. She was a beautiful lady.

  • Patrick, My Condolences to you and your family, I am so sorry to hear about your Mother passi ng. Please let me know if there is anything I may do, May God keep you all together in Love.


  • My deepest condolences goes out to the entire family Rest well Manca Rest Well

  • My deepest condolences to all the children, I should say my brothers , and sisters of my dear friend and mother, Monica Dahl. You always had a listening years for me. I will miss you so much. You will always be in my heart. R.I.P. in God’s loving harms. Will always love ❤️ you.

  • Dear Prawl Family,
    I was deeply saddened to hear about the passing of your beloved mother. Her warmth, kindness, and love for her family were truly special, and her memory will live on in the hearts of all who knew her.
    Please know that my thoughts and prayers are with you during this difficult time. May you find comfort in the beautiful memories you shared and in the love and support of those around you.
    With heartfelt sympathy,

  • Sleep in peace Grandma ❤️

  • My sincerely condolences to the family may here soul RIP. Thanks to Aunt Monica for taking care of my brother Edgerton Brown.

  • You will be missed but never forgotten, Eternal rest to you ❤️ i pray, Rest well Aunt Monica 🙏

  • Arrianne and Ishmael,
    My sincere condolences you you and your entire family. I wish you all peace and healing as you go through this period of grieving. Blessed are those who mourn as they shall be comforted. Although gone from sight her love and memories will live forever in your heart.

    The Ebanks Family

  • My sincere condolences to the family . My great grand aunt Monica ,gone but not forgotten. I can still hear your contagious laughter . Rest in eternal peace .

  • God bless the family of this wonderful woman of God.

  • My sincere condolences to the entire family of Aunt Monica. She was so close to my family and I thank God for the time we got to spend with her . May she rest in eternal peace. 🙏🏾

  • Rest in peace Aunt Monka
    Condolences to the entire family

  • My condolences to my best friend Mechelle, siblings, and extended family members. I met Ms.Dahl in 2008 when she came to Delaware. I was embarrassed by her beautiful smile and voice. I continued to visit and I had many wonderful moments with her. We laughed, traveled, listened to music and sermons, and ate many delicious meals that Mechelle made or sometimes ordered. Every time I would visit, Ms. Dahl would ask me to stay overnight. If I didn’t visit for weeks, Mechelle would call me saying Monca wants to know when you are coming to visit. I kept her and Mechelle in my prayers always especially when her health was weakening. Mechelle was her caregiver and she gave Ms. Dahl all she had until the end. Ms. Dahl, you are in heaven, and I know that you are watching over all of us, especially Mechelle. I love you and thank you for the joy you brought me.

  • A life well lived and a beautiful soul, no doubt. I will always cherish the few moments I had with you. It’s never easy, but take comfort in knowing that your loved ones will continue to hold you dearly in their hearts.

    Walk good grandma, and take your seat at your saviour’s feet. May your soul rest in eternal peace.

    Condolences to the rest of the family.

  • You were so loved by all of us . especially my sister Beverly who were so close to you.we love you n will be surely missed.

  • Rest well my grandma🤍 Rorie loves you endlessly 🤍

  • Rest in Peace Aunt Monica. You were a remarkable woman and your presence will be greatly missed.

  • I extend my sincere condolences to the family of Aunt Monica, may her soul rest in peace. ❤️ 🙏

  • The Morris family would like to send condolences to Aunt Monica love one, May she rest in peace 🙏🏽

  • Grandma Monica,
    You will be missed & I’m happy that I was able to see you and spend time with you when I could. You will FOREVER be apart of my life spiritually and FOREVER be in my HEART ❤️. I will cherish the picture that I have of us ❤️
    I Love You & Until We Meet Again❤️ Love Always Julianne

  • My condolences to the family, may her soul R.I.P and may the family fine peace and comfort. She was a remarkable lady and she’s with the lord . Sleep well aunt Monica🙏🏽🙏🏽🙏🏽

  • Deepest sympathies from Muriel and Donal Hart. I remember those days growing up, aunt Monica was so quiet. Rest in eternal peace (Monca) as she was affectionately called, we will see you again. To the children, remember her in your hearts always. Laugh and cry, it’s a part of the healing process. Gone but never forgotten.